Somebody Else's to them, whomever they may be.

Somebody Else's to them, whomever they may be.
How I feel after throwing a party...

Thanks for the visit!! :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

More Posts...New Year...Try Harder...Must...Try...Harder!

So, with the new year fully underway I decided I need to be more diligent with the whole blogging thing. I mean, I like it, but I just haven't made it a habit. I guess I'll just have to displace an old bad habit, with a more interesting, new

That said, I have been trying to figure it out in my brain, what do I want to blog about? So many blogs have these specific purposes...and they are delightful...and organized...and full of interesting information. Maybe someday that will be me...but for blog is just going to be "Just Tracy" and I'm going to put all the things I think are interesting for whatever reason into my blog. We'll see how this turns out.

Today's interesting tidbit...I love Facebook and I have had a ton of fun reconnecting with old friends and newer friends and getting all that insider information that everyone puts on their pages...that is probably TMI but is one of the things I love to read about the most. What's your favorite TV show...who cares...does it matter? Probably not...but I'm fascinated by the minutiae of my friends...and in the end, it does tell me a little bit more about what makes them tick. I've also found via live chat all kinds of interesting things. So...that said...without naming names to protect the guilty...and the are some of the most interesting things I've found out, seen, typed or heard on Facebook...

A friend who smashes chromosomes
Friends who run the political gamut...Independent, Liberal, Conservative, Libertarian, Democrat, Republican, Progressive, Nothing, Anarchist, I hate politics, Unimpressed
Friends who cover the religious spectrum…Catholic, Jewish, Baptist, Protestant, LDS, Ambivalent, Lutheran, Peace, Love and Understanding and several other similar statements.
Most people who acknowledge the Magic 8-Ball believe in its intrinsic powers to predict accurately.
No one likes to shovel snow or walk on ice.
Most everyone experiences some form of "brain-deadness" during the course of their work day.
Everyone loves their children, and often those same beloved children make their parents ab-so-lute-ly insane.
A traveling parent was willing to pay $8 an hour for a babysitter...when I was babysitting 1000 years ago...I considered $2 an hour a super sweet deal.
A lot of people like Coldplay
A lot of people like The Family Guy...even though several of them feel guilty for laughing.

Most people have read at least one of the Harry Potter books and everyone knows who Harry Potter is without any additional references.

These are just a few Facebook learnings...tune in again for additional details.

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