Somebody Else's to them, whomever they may be.

Somebody Else's to them, whomever they may be.
How I feel after throwing a party...

Thanks for the visit!! :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Splish Spash I Was Takin' a Bath...

We were at my mom's on Sunday night, we being siblings and their spouses and kids and my husband and I, and during the course of the evening it came time to give the babies a hose down after feeding time in the rainforest.

They were so happy and squealy and they do love their bath time. I thought it would be a great opportunity to get some photos taken...discreet of course.

This one is my favorite. The water is individualized and the color turned out so well. The baby's cheeks are a beautiful pink with little cupid bow red lips. I may blow this one up to hang in my own bathroom.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

how cute! great capture.