Somebody Else's to them, whomever they may be.

Somebody Else's to them, whomever they may be.
How I feel after throwing a party...

Thanks for the visit!! :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Doing Unto Others...

The world is greatly changed since I was a little girl, and it really wasn't as long ago as it seems.  I noticed on the news last night that the Governor of Texas had asked that the people of that state pray for rain to help with the severe drought and wildfires that they are suffering from.  The more interesting thing, the more concerning thing that I saw was the mockery, the acidic words, and the hateful speech against him, against prayer, and against God.

If you are in despair, and you need help and you ask for the prayers of the people, how is that mock-worthy? What has our world become, if people cannot cry out for help to each other and to God? If you don't believe in God, that's fine, but why would you mock the faith of others? God bless Texas--I hope the prayers of the people reach God's ears and that your drought comes to an end.

I guess I am disturbed that everything comes to combat in our world. Everything is up for mockery, everything is up for dispute, everything is up for argument, everything is worthy of anger and disrespect. The people have become hard hearted and that is truly a sad thing to see.

It's o.k. to not be the same. It's o.k. to have different beliefs. But it's not o.k. to fling hate and vitriol and anger against everything that is different. People do not react with love and compassion the way they use to. They are quick to anger and slow to love. They look for slights and for offense.  They jump quickly to negative intent and they have no patience for human failings, for mistakes, for regret and for forgiveness.  This is not only an unfortunate and sad state of affairs but it is also dangerous.  It is dangerous because anger rules the fists, and anger puts thoughts and ideas in minds and hearts that have no business being there.  If there is no love, no compassion, no thoughtfulness or forgiveness to temper it, how can there be balance, logic, reason, growth, progress and learning?

It is important to remember love, sharing, service and friendship, even in the face of adversity and of our own trials, especially so during our most difficult moments. If we lose ourselves in the service of our fellow human beings, we focus less on ourselves and our self-interest, and we expand in the quality of our humanity and of our existence on this planet full of humans. In our moments of pain and anguish, if we can see outside of ourselves, beyond ourselves, to helping those that are less fortunate (and there is ALWAYS someone less fotunate) we begin to heal, and learn and grow. 

Each of us has a purpose, a reason for being.  If we look inside of ourselves at who we really are deep within (without having a pity party while doing it,) if we really look at the goodness, even if we feel it is only a little bit, and we focus on that and we nurture it, build it, feed it and grow it, we can bring ourselves to being a better creature, a better human. 

People have suffered horribly at the hands of others, sometimes on purpose, sometimes through thoughtlessness or mistakes, and that is just the fact of being a member of humanity, of participating in the human condition.  The thing that brings me inspiration and joy is when I truly set myself aside and think of what would be best for others.  People have hurt my feelings, wounded my pride, made me weep because of their thoughtlessness or meanness, but if I reign in my feelings of revenge, of payback, of tit for tat, of retribution, and I think about the humans around me, I find that I know the better thing to do.  I still need to be the best me that I can be despite the circumstances.  It doesn't mean I continue to allow them to take advantage or abuse, it just means that I become wise and learned and balanced and I move onward.

There is a lot of turmoil and dissention in our world today.  There is a lot of focus on wealth and material goods, on war, on pain, on death, on light mindedness and crass laughter, on degrading humor, on sexuality, on getting what's owed us, what we are entitled too, what we deserve, what is our right.  The hearts of the fathers are turned away from their children, and the children from their fathers.  There is sadness and despair because of selfishness and inhumane behavriors.  With all of this focus on the self, there is no chance for compassion to grow, for service to touch or for people to feel more than what is just them, in their own world, focused on their own existence.

We have become like the Romans during their fall.  Nero fiddles as Rome burns...we are a people of bread and circuses.

The thing that is being quickly lost because of all of this selfishness and pride is the common man.  The everyday, woman and child.  Despite the best efforts of many, no man is an island, not really, though many are starting to feel like they are lost in the tide of life and cast alone, upon some strange shore.  We are here on this planet together.  If we do not help each other, who will?  There is no one to save another, to lift another up, to love, to cherish, to cheer, to console, to protect, to fight for except for each other.  Who is in your charge?

In life, all around us, there are people that we can reach that perhaps will have no other chance than the one we give them, no other hand than the one we extend to them, no other love than the love we share with them. Our love, our friendship, our service may be the greatest gift they have to receive in the sea of turmoil in which they may be tossed about.  When all we do is look at ourselves, when all we do is look for the weakest link to exploit, when all we do is spew opinions and vitriol about the injustices committed agains us, against ours, when all we do is look for who is wrong and why we are right, we miss opportunites for blessing ourselves and others through service, through kindness and through compassion. 

There is no greater time than **now** to refocus.  The more inconvenient it seems, the more urgent it may be.  What can we do?

Who waits for you to **see** them? Who waits for your hands to lift them up?  If you do not do it, will there be someone else to step into your shoes, to stand in your stead?

Befriend now.  Don't wait.
Serve now.  Don't wait.
Share now.  Don't wait.
Love now. Don't wait.

Reach out now...there is always someone in need that may grasp on to your lifesaving hand from the dark.  Be the person that is there.  Step into your shoes and be who you were born to be.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I so appreciate how you can put into words the feelings of my heart! I appreciate your wisdome and kindness.