Somebody Else's to them, whomever they may be.

Somebody Else's to them, whomever they may be.
How I feel after throwing a party...

Thanks for the visit!! :)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Looking for Sweet Slumber...

Sleeping Beauty by Thomas Spence

You know what I delight in?

The occasional late night Friday-eve indulgence with sleepy-can-barely-keep-them-open-eyes listening to melowlicious music, browsing all of my favorites in their Facebook peeping, G-mail snooping, Bloggerific, late night Cops watching kitschy goodness.

I should have been in bed long ago.

I've already fallen asleep once in the Conan Chair (the large, overstuffed chair with both arms covered by sheepskin throws.) I've watched a plethora of CSI's...Miami, NY and the original Las Vegas. I got a little behind and had to get caught up with my people and murder and mayhem story lines. It's a sick addiction really.

I've indulged in several in and out of consciousness episodes of Cop/Jail/Gang/Prison shows...they really all just meld in to one. Half of the people are in uniforms with guns and sticks and pepper spray and the other half are either in jumpsuits or in some degree of undress...or both. Why is it that everyone always ends up half naked in these? And why is it that people are always so ultra pissed off in the summertime? Right now they've got this one show I've never heard of before Women Cops of Dallas or something like that. A couple of these chicks are pretty cool, but the rest of them? --Let's be honest--if I were some of these drunk, angry, high people--I would want to arrest myself just to get them to shut their squeaking, screeching mouths. I'm just sayin'...

Now I notice that there is an empty jar of honey roasted peanuts here on the desk that Beloved must have polished off during his latest round of online Warhammer gaming...I love that man. :)

So, now with the Sneaker Pimps "6 Underground" notes tickling my ears and this latest take down of a criminal on t.v. by 6 cops, I should probably finish turning out of the lights and go climb my weary, but happy, bones into bed. my sweet cousin Kelly would say..."Kisses..."
I love when she says that...I think it's so sweet and cheery, so I'm going to occasionally adopt it for my own.

So from me to you...Kisses, People...

Kisses. :)