Somebody Else's to them, whomever they may be.

Somebody Else's to them, whomever they may be.
How I feel after throwing a party...

Thanks for the visit!! :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

God is in the Stars That Sparkle and Shine

Some stars twinkle more than others--flashing their pretty selves at you from side to side trying to catch your eye--making you pause to wonder if they are a satellite or a star. When they remain unmoved you wonder what fire dance is taking place in the distant universe.

I took out the trash, and like almost always, I looked up and reveled in the dark and flecked with light night. The copse of trees across the road and behind the neighbors house is rustling and rushing with a summer night breeze. It is the same breeze that dances along the back of my neck.

I feel refreshed after cleaning the evening up in my warm kitchen. Making lunches, washing dishes, putting food away. Wiping down counters and pushing in chairs, listening for laundry in the washer to be done.

I hear the tick-tick-tick and the whoosh of water of the sprinklers two houses down and suddenly a small dog's yapping on the street somewhere behind me.

I look up and the Big Dipper is huge and hangs low in the sky. The grand "W" that is Cassiopeia must not be up yet. The night is too young for her Highness to grace us with her presence just yet.

I look again and I swear that is Mars. Beloved would know for sure. He loves that saucy red planet. I'm positive that is who I see. I give it a little wink of my own.

I look towards the Southern sky and if I had blinked a moment sooner or later I would have missed the thrill of the sight of a streak of a cheery shooting star. They never lose their delight. Anytime I see them, that same fluttery thrill of childhood bolts across my stomach and into my chest. "A shooting star! A shooting star! I see it! I see it! Did you see it?"

I look around taking it all in. Our huge Honey Locust tree standing sentinel to our home. Cheery porch lights lighting the walkway and the driveway. The quiet of neighbors homes, some with lights, some not. Far to the South I can see the orange glow of Salt Lake City, and in the night sky I see several satellites making their way across the night and around the world. I crane my head back, the back of my head touching the back of my neck and I open my eyes wide to take in as much of this glorious night sky as possible.

Our solar system is gigantic, let alone the humongous universe that it is in. And here we are, these little human creatures on this beautiful blue and green planet.

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